
Whilst the quality of a wine is of the utmost importance and needs to relate to the target market for which it is produced, the key to success lies in promotion and communication to the prospective consumer.

Marketing and PR are key elements in building a successful wine brand and involve creating effective strategies over the long term in order to increase awareness, which ultimately relates to increased sales.

With many years of experience in the UK wine industry, we are able to both advise and implement strategies which will increase product visibility, consumer appeal and sales.

We offer an integrated approach, which involves communication in the Press, copywriting of articles and promotional material, product presentation, pricing and direct marketing.

Below are some of the areas in which we have experience:

  • Product appeal
    • Label Design
    • Bottle choice - colour and shape
    • Closures, capsules and foils
  • Design and copywriting of promotional materials and support
    • Leaflets
    • Price lists
    • Posters
    • Website Content
  • Press
    • Press Releases
    • Articles
    • Reader Offers
    • Press trips
  • Event Management
    • Promotional lunches
    • Trade and Public Tastings
  • Direct Marketing
    • Competitor Analysis
    • Target market selection
    • Pricing
    • Sales target selection
    • Direct Sales Campaign